Species: Andorian
Sex: female
Birthday: May 25, 2355
Age: 22
Height: 5' 6"
Weight: 126 pounds
Hair: white
Eyes: brown
Background: Tesha was born and raised on Andor. Her parents were both officers in the Andorian Imperial Guard. Her two older brothers followed in their footsteps. Tesha, expected to do the same, chose to join Starfleet instead. This caused some tension and disappointment in her family, to the point that she hasn't been home, or spoken to her family, for several years.
Starfleet Record: Tesha enjoyed being on Earth, exploring, site-seeing, and visiting as many places as time would allow. She loved being in Starfleet Academy, excelling in her studies. She was a popular person, and though it caused a family rift, she had no regrets about her decision. In her freshman year, the Dominion War started, which cast a sober shadow over what should have been a wonderful time in the lives of the cadets. In her junior year, the Breen attacked Starfleet Headquarters on Earth. Tesha survived without injury, though some of her friends were killed. Upperclassmen were pressed into active service, and Tesha, already an adept and skilled pilot, was assigned to the USS Concord, an Intrepid class starship. She served there until the end of the war later that year, seeing combat on numerous occasions. When the war ended, the Concord was temporarily taken out of service for repairs.
Because Starfleet losses were so high, cadets that served in the war were allowed to choose between going back to the academy to finish their schooling, or to receive a field commission as an ensign and enter active duty. Getting a taste of space service, even though it was during a war, Tesha gladly took the commission. She was assigned to the USS Belmont.
The Federation had made contact with a new group of races on the edge of a remote sector of Federation space. To establish a presence in the area, Starbase 1529 was built. Her XO on the Belmont, Roger Allen, was assigned as the commanding officer of the USS Starfire, a new Sunbird-class ship operating from the base. He asked Tesha to join him. Excited to pilot a new ship class, and to be in a new sector of space, Tesha immediately accepted the assignment.
Personality: While on duty, Tesha is completely professional, saying and doing only what is required to perform her duties. When off duty, she is outgoing, cheerful, friendly, talkative, and can be mischievous and fun-loving. She makes friends easily, and is a likable person.
Skills: Tesha is a skilled pilot, being certified on most starship classes. She is athletic, intelligent, and can play the Andorian flute. She has a gift for learning languages, and is adept at discerning patterns, especially in anything involving sound or music.
Miscellaneous: On Earth, Tesha discovered apples, the most wonderful and amazing fruit she had ever tasted. She loves them so much, she has them shipped to her whenever she can, no matter the cost. Tesha loves serving in Starfleet, being on a starship, and traveling through space. Her goal one day, is to be a captain of her own ship.