Species: Human/Vulcan
Sex: male
Birthday: January 16, 2343
Age: 35
Height: 6' 2"
Weight: 200 pounds
Hair: brown
Eyes: green
Background: In 2343, Roger was born on the USS Delaware, to parents that were Starfleet engineers. His father, Thomas Allen, was Human, and his mother, T'Pen, was Vulcan. When Roger was two-years-old, his parents were killed in an explosion from a warp core breach. Having no other relatives, he was sent to Earth and raised in a home for children of orphaned Starfleet officers. He barely remembers his parents.
Roger was a strong boy, brash and aggressive. The other children were intimidated by him, but he was also well-liked. He was a B average student, but excelled in sports and showed the ability to wrestle and box. He then switched to learning martial arts.
When Roger was old enough to understand what had happened to his parents, and in order to deal with missing them and desiring to know what they were like, he would sometimes sneak away from the home and go into the nearby woods. He found a large rock by a stream, and would often sit there for hours, just thinking. He called it, Roger's Rock.
One time, when he had stayed home from school because of the flu, Roger sat down at the piano that was in the basement of the group home. Plinking on the keyboard, he learned that he could play simple tunes he had heard. One of the adult supervisors of the home heard him and contacted the music teacher at school. Having him audition for her, the music teacher determined that Roger had the talent to play. Over the years at school, he learned the instrument well enough to be good at it.
As a teenager, Roger decided at one of his trips to Roger's Rock, that he was going to follow his parents and join Starfleet, desiring to accomplish what they were prevented from doing. Applying and being accepted, he originally chose engineering, but didn't have the aptitude for it. Because he was athletic and versed in various fighting disciplines, he switched to security.
Starfleet Record: Roger graduated from Starfleet Academy in 2361 and was commissioned as an ensign in security, and was assigned to the USS Montana, where he performed his duties as required, advancing to the rank of full lieutenant.
Roger was 30 when the Dominion War started. During the war, the Montana was part of a task force that was patrolling a crucial sector, when they were attacked by Dominion forces. The battle did not go well, as the other Starfleet ships were destroyed, and the Montana was badly damaged. With most of the crew dead or wounded, Roger took command. He was able to defeat the remaining Jem'Hadar vessels, win the battle, save the Montana and crew, and retreat back to Federation space. For this, he won the Federation Medal of Honor. The Montana was badly damaged and decommissioned. Roger was promoted to lieutenant commander and reassigned to the USS Remington as Chief of Security, where he served for the duration of the war. When the Remington was taken out of service for repairs, Roger was assigned to the USS Belmont, where he eventually became a full commander and the Executive Officer.
In 2377, the United Federation of Planets was making first contact with a number of races bordering an isolated section of Federation space. To insure good relations, and to establish a presence in the area, a new Presidium-class base, Starbase 1529, was built. It was commissioned in early 2378. A small fleet of Sunbird-class ships were assigned to the sector, operating out of SB 1529. Roger was assigned as CO to one of them, the USS Starfire.
Personality: Roger is outgoing, confident, can be brash, and knows what he wants in life. He is completely loyal to the Federation, Starfleet, his ship, his crew, and his friends. He usually goes by the book, but has no problems overlooking it, or just plain ignoring it, when he feels it's warranted. Away from duty, Roger is friendly and personable, but tends to stay separate from the rest of the crew, feeling that the commanding officer should maintain such a separation.. He enjoys humor, is often cynical, and loves puns.
Skills: martial arts, weapons, tactics, athlete, plays piano
Miscellaneous: For his physical appearance, Roger appears Human. Because of his Vulcan DNA, he is stronger, quicker, has better reflexes and endurance, than the Human norm. He can do the Vulcan nerve pinch, but cannot initiate a mind meld. He enjoys reading, studying history, especially Earth's World War II, sports, hiking, and camping. He speaks English, German, and Vulcan.