Species: Cardassian
Sex: Male
Birthday: February 6th, 2347
Age: 30
Height: 6 ft
Weight: 198 lbs
Hair: black
Eyes: blue
Background: Malak was born to a poor family, and raised on Cardassia Prime. He's the only son, to the family Ziat. His father was working on deep underground water plants, and his mother was a soldier in the service of Cardassian military, a surgeon. Malak sadly never met his mother, as she died in the line of duty while he was still only several days old, so he has no memories of her.
From an early age, it was obvious Malak was far more capable then the rest of the young boys his age, and his talents didn't go unnoticed. He would often net himself in a fight, his quick temper and even swifter tongue did him no good, and he slept many times in the cell. Being from a poor neighborhood meant he never really had proper schooling, but his father taught him everything he knew to the best of his ability, and the rest Malak knew he had to pick himself.
He was only seventeen, however, when he was lured in a fight, and framed for multiple murder. What he didn't know, was that it was a test, one he survived at his best, however his deed was caught on surveillance, and for a time he was one of the most notorious criminals on Cardassia Prime. He was picked up by, what is now known, a inside-cell of the Obsidian Order, and he was offered a way out of the mess. It was an offer he simply couldn't refuse.
He was finally taught in ways of martial arts, of espionage, guerilla tactics, assassination, infiltration, extraction, explosives and the basis of first aid, piloting and engineering. He spent the next seven years working for the cell, doing whatever he was told to, until he was shot and left to die because he found out about the cell too much.
His almost lifeless body was picked up by a strange man - an Federation spy, and he was transferred to the hidden ship in orbit, where he was operated at to be able to survive the extensive tissue and organ damage. Upon his recovery, few weeks later, he found himself at the distant outpost, and in front of a hard choice. His knowledge, and services could be put to good use - for the Federation, whereas he would continue and he was promised he would be valuable asset, or - after debriefing, and after sharing everything he knew about Obsidian Order and it's mysterious cell - he would be allowed, although put to constant surveillance, to continue his life in the Starfleet, provided he would never contact Obsidian Order again, tell no one his own history, and had to start from scratch.
After several hours pondering over, he felt he couldn't do another mistake, and he chose to start anew.
He enrolled to Starfleet Academy, where he went for, in order to honor his mother, Medicine. Six years later, and his Academy was done, he applied to a more distant USS Atlanta, and then transferred to an even more distant USS Kongo. He simply wanted to be the furthest away from his old life, as possible. After the second ship, he applied for USS Starfire - and was granted.
Starfleet Record: Malak graduated the Academy with 29 years of age, after six years of schooling. He was regarded one of the best in both theory and practice, and could choose many ships to start his professional career. He instead picked USS Atlanta, an aging cruiser exploring Pleiades G sector. After several months he transferred to the USS Kongo, a patrol ship patrolling the known edge of allied space crossing the known Borg infiltration spot in the Beta quadrant. Finally, after few months, he applied for USS Starfire, a distant ship cut out from the usual Starfleet or allied trade routes.
Personality: Malak is perhaps atypical Cardassian; he enjoys the finer things in life more then most, and instead of preferring the cold, dejected and aloof projection of his own personality that so many thinks manly thing for a Cardassian to be - he prefers projecting a warmer, more human-like personality. He is naturally positive, if a bit cautious. He is well organized when he needs to be, and can subdue his own feelings thanks to his teaching. Similarly, he is able to control his emotions to the degree he no longer fears anything, which is the reason of his cautiousness - it is very easy to overstep one's abilities when you feel no fear.
Under his projection of the warm persona, lies a more distant personality, a bit shy and a lone wolf, he finds it very hard to trust someone, but when that trust is earned, he is loyal to the very end.
Skills: Malak is in excellent shape, physically strong, clever, ambidextrous and very aware of his surroundings. He's an excellent Medic, specially in wartime situations, he's also very capable in a fight.
Miscellaneous: Malak spends his time training through Holo matches, writing his books, reading or tasting some new delicious food and drinks.